04 October, 2009

Chance to shine at SIC Golf

On 25th September, 2009 YB Datuk Peter Nansian Nguse was officially appointed by Dato Sri William Mawan Ikom was appointed as "Community Captain" in conjunction with the Sarawak Inter-Community Golf 2009. As a Bidayuh, I then deduce what this mean is that our YB Datuk Peter will spearhead as the captain of the Bidayuh Community Team.

So as a fellow Bidayuh I urge who ever represents our community to support and play your guts out. It is an honour as I believe those selected are not merely making the number but out of merit with high hope that he would carry the good name of the Bidayuh with high golf integrity and honesty. I would also add that these selected would not merely there to wear fancy sponsored T-shirt but it represents an opportunity to shine in your golf game.

As always, YB Datuk Peter has already in place dedicated men who will sweat it out to serve and organise the team which I think what the Bidayuh is famous for, team spirit, solidarity and co-operation... especially in golf (tempted to say so!). Straunch and avid golfer like Andrew Joseph, James Sinjeng and many more are onhand to offer their free service. ( no accounting fee James please). Don't be sentitive you guys if your name is not being mentioned. Many choose to be silent supporters. Yes I heard you right.

Come 17th October, unfortunately few members of the glamour group are missing as PP choose wisely to be with his Nipponic gang somewhere in Japan. JB have also cleverly booked to be in China. Hmm are'nt we ever get tired of the slits?

Me? Oh yes. According to my recent golf results, I am indeed badly in need of a new swing guru. Not quite Hank Haney but close. Remember, the last time I changed my swing, I lost my balance and almost my wife too! So sadly as much as I like to be in the team (not automatic choice I know but I always think positive) I will be somewhere at the Las Vegas Stripp or Black Mountain Golf School. ( ahem ).

Wait you JS, AP, JB, PP.....

Oh, here's the probable line up for the Bidayuh Community Team as released by JS.
As you can see, your faithfully is obviously MIA.


1. Manggit Semong

2. Albert Tanon

3. Johnny Chai

4. Lester Simbas

5. Richard Ronda

6. Dominic Siron

7. Dominic Josip

8. Andrew Peter

9. Fabian Marip

10. Anthony Rupen


1. James Sinjeng

2. Jabing Bujing

3. Dr. Eric Munjan

4. Anthony Abang

5. Ahkim Sarok

6. Hygenius Kevin

7. Ricky Gayok

8. Ik Pahon

9. Dr. Mosko Ruben

10. Johnny Petir

11. Paul Shannon

12. Mike Mangges

13. Ricky Nyowip

14. Andrew Ngisun

15. John Wayne Chamberlin

16. Paul Bond Chamberlin

17. William Juah

18. Dr. Eric Munjan

19. Eric Henry

20. Mohd. Firdaus Abdullah

21. Martin Ben

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