Once in awhile in an ideal world, one should spend time on a higher ground to have a better view of the world below. Only then will one be able to see things in a new perspective and dimension. Take for example our recent trip to the Bidayuh Golf Course ( an unofficial name though ). My first impression was thought to be very common, quiet road curving through lust landscape with cool breeze coupled with an odour of success.
( Heading into the mist just for golf! )
Andrew Joseph (AP) flatly "SMSed" me to express his fear of driving up to the resort. Fear no more. The road up is as gentle as Sharifah Aini's..." But on a curious note, as with anyone associated with the first trip, memory and a good one is a must. But by topping the golf ball constantly is not my idea of "higher-level game". But that exactly what AP did. Hmm I wonder if that's a typical fear associated with anything first-time. The jungle though will have lots to wonder whose iron is erratic as ball after ball settled in the jungle. Hole 16 was roasted with AP's miss hits!
RGS didn't do well although the mere act of playing up there is a good memory by itself. JS? "This guy is good at the bunker!". Watch bunker at hole 19! You may not get out of it by one shot. My good friend only time will tell if his swing is as good up at the mountain as in KGS. No room for error! JB? JB bo. "What do you think if my standard?" I think nothing of standard after his ball richochet off the big rock 90 degree west! Not a chance JB.
They say a picture is worth a thousand words. Lets see.
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