25 May, 2012

We cannot thank you enough but will show our appreciation by competing fairly and deligently.

If you happen to read this before the 7.34 am tee off tomorrow, good luck to you and may the good wishes accompany your game.

The 8th Series WBGC 2012 which will be played tomorrow, on 26 May 2012 it attracted about 56 Bidayuh golfers compared to 90 golfers in 2011 – a drop of almost about 38 percent! In term of participation, this is rather disappointing but there are reasons for it.

When the WBGC was played last year, 29 May 2012, there was no other major golf event coinciding on that date. In 2012 however, many Bidayuh golfers opted to play elsewhere such as the 5th Pan Borneo Golf Championship which took place on the 26 and 27 May 2012. This event has indirectly sucked out many Bidayuh golfers. Still the biggest draw in the Bidayuh Golf show in the world must go on!

In term of interest from sponsors, this has to be billed as the most sponsored Bidayuh Golf Championship ever.

According to the Chinese ‘fungshui’, the 8th series holds plenty of prosperity and luck associated with the lucky number 8 (八). This might explain why the tournament committee has no trouble whatsoever to attract many top notched sponsors from the Bidayuh community who in the past have heard or got involved in this championship in one way or other. The sponsors and supporters and participants cannot be wrong.

This is after all World Bidayuh Golf Championship as the name implies it is a well known championship in the Bidayuh world! This is the most respected Bidayuh Golf Tournament and has attracted only the best homegrown golfers. This game is played with high integrity and passion and there is no room for cheap stunt and disrespect. Golf must be played within set rules and regulations. Without which golf cannot be played and enjoyed.

This game is indeed not for the FS combination who created doubt in their scorecards cheaply and later on claimed that this game is easy to win amid controversial practices and doubtful etiquette.
If you are one of them, go elsewhere!

This championship break barriers in many forms. Be it political or cultural and in many ways achieved its set aims to champion the spirit of unity and solidarity among the Bidayuh from every nook and corner of the world. Or if you like from Bau, Lundu, Penrissen, Serian and Bintulu to Miri. Even specifically from Bung Bukuk, to Bung Bratak, to Dorod Brunggu and Dorod Singgai etc…

WBGC has been played in various golf courses in Sarawak before such as Damai Golf and Country Club, Santubong, the Bintulu Golf Club, the Sarawak Club and the Borneo Height Jungle and Country Club or a local home ground according to some Bidayuh golfers!

In my honest opinion, the KGS especially Siol and Demak should offer the sternest test and only solid play for the day could win or content. As proven in the past if you are in the organizing committee, you are not fated to win and this year will be no different. But it does not mean we will not try our best. Who knows. At least the red jacket which has been tailored and cut to my size…ahem!

Before you hit the first ball, please spare a thought for our generous sponsors who made your game possible, and your great day memorable.

The organizing committee, despite the easy and informal approached they deployed to put up the show, thanks to the modern day hand phones which made communication a breeze in order to solve the perennial problems and complaints related to organizing the game of golf. We have to endure the constant misunderstanding due to interpersonal skill (or lack of it) into coming to compromise in dealing with people with egos. We have to deal with the hazard of begging and exposed ourselves into an embarrassing situation. But if organizing the game of golf has no problem do not call us! Do not criticize how bad it is run in front of other races as that will make us a laughing stock. You can criticize it but at the same time offer creative advise. That would be a great help.

Remember to those who help were not held at gun point to do so but rather offer their services voluntarily without thinking about any personal gain but because of their passion and desire to do so, they did so at their own choosing. Thanks to them.

We apologies if your name is not spelt correctly! But if you do not tell us how it is spelt, then I’ll ask my ‘nenek’ to help.

The quick-fixed organizing committee this year are the followings:

Datu Ik Pahon Joyik – Adviser

Working committee:
Andrew Peter
James Sinjeng
Lester Simbas
Jabing Bujing
Ricky Guing Senen

Others who offer help and assitance in kind:
DBNA Appointed personnel
Davin Nicholas
David Awel
Many others…

Our Sponsors:
YB Dato Sri Michael Manyin Jawong - Sarawak Infrastructure Development and Communication Minister
YB Dr Belek @ Jerip Susil - Assistant Minister of Public Health
YB Dato' Dr James Dawos Mamit - Deputy Minister of Tourism Malaysia
Datuk Peter Nansian Ngusie - N2     Tasik Biru
Dato Frankie Heng – Businessman
Maclaine Ben @ Martin Ben Anak Michael - N.19 Kedup
Henry Jinep – Businessman
Albert Tanon – Businessman

We cannot thank you enough but will show our appreciation by competing fairly and deligently.

Good luck everyone.

24 May, 2012

More sponsors pour in for the 8th Series WBGC 2012

The eighth series WBGC promises to be overwhelmed by participation but also support from generous Bidayuh sponsors.

There will be for a second year in a row, generous 15 gross prizes and 15 nett prizes on the top of other goodies such as nearest-to-pin and longest drive. Special T-Shirt with WBGC logo shall be distributed and if that is not enough, the gross and nett winner will (cameras ready!!!) don first-ever special designed green and red jacket respectively on the top of the beautiful trophy. Gosh who is that in green and red? aaah that's the best Bidayuh golfer bah! The jacket is yours for the keep if you are crowned Best Bidayuh Golfer three times!

For those who miss the prizes, you are entitled to win lucrative lucky draws! How about that?

To those who take part, great sport to you and to those who miss this one, you miss the big one!

May the best golfer wins fair and square.

23 May, 2012

Pull Out, Put In, Pull Out, Put In....

Due to withdraws, this is the latest list.
WBGC 2012 DRAW - Saturday 26, May 2012, KGS (Siol/Demak)
Up Date: 23 May 2012
Faxed to: Andrew Peter, 082 445391

Flight 1 – Siol Hole 1 – Tee-off Time: 7.34 am
1. Fabian Marip
2. Mike Magges
3. James Sinjeng
4. Voon Tarah

Flight 2 – Siol Hole 1 – Tee-off Time: 7.42 am
5. Dabrin Peter Kini
6. Ricky Guing Senen
7. Jabing Bujing
8. Ik Talano

Flight 3 – Siol Hole 1 – Tee-off Time: 7.50 am
9. Peter Selek
10. Eric Hendry
11. Andrew Nyisun
12. Andrew Peter

Flight 4 – Siol Hole 1 – Tee-off Time: 7.58 am
13. Albert Tanon
14. Magit Semong
15. Anthony Rupeau
16. Richard Ruda

Flight 5 – Siol Hole 1 – Tee-off Time: 8.06 am
17. Datu Ik Pahon Joyik
18. YB Datuk Peter Nansian
19. YB Dr Jerip Susil
20. YB James Dawos

Flight 6 – Siol Hole 1 – Tee-off Time: 8.14 am
21. Dahim Nandot
22. Allan White Sinui
23. Ricky Gayok
24. Anthony Abang

Flight 7 (Ladies) – Siol Hole 1 – Tee-off Time: 8.22 am
25. Helen Taja (L)
26. Alice Ripet
27. Christine Ruda
28. Davin Nicholas (L)

Flight 8 – Demak Hole 10 – Tee-off Time: 7.34 am
29. Simon Kusah
30. Frankie Lisu
31. Dr. Mohd Hirman Ritom
32. Hygenius Kevin Akeu

Flight 9 – Demak Hole 10 – Tee-off Time: 7.42 am
33. John Chamberlin Sirau
34. Johnny Peter
35. Lester Simbas
36. Dominic Josip (DSP)

Flight 10 – Demak Hole 10 – Tee-off Time: 7.50 am
37. Joseph Jindy
38. Jimson Jium
39. Bronnie Poris
40. Miro Simuh

Flight 11 – Demak Hole 10 – Tee-off Time: 7.58 am
41. Junjau Sepoi
42. Ricky Nyowip
43. Hendry Dato James Dawos
44. Kedung Luhat

Flight 12 – Demak Hole 10 – Tee-off Time: 8.06 am
45. Nelson Peter Kini
46. Nicholas Andrew Lessem
47. Patrick Kiyok
48. Stephen Tumi

Flight 13 – Demak Hole 10 – Tee-off Time: 8.14 am
49. William Duncan
50. William Juah
51. Moses Jeros
52. Paul Ritom

Flight 14 – Demak Hole 10 – Tee-off Time: 8.22 am
53. Tuah suni
54. Martin Kusong
55. Wejok Tomik
56. Dr. Firdaus Abdullah


22 May, 2012

Special T-Shirts for WBGC

There will be special T-Shirt issued for golfers but as usual please do not expect perfect size but just appreciate the goodies from our generous sponsors. If fit wear it! It is hoped that the T-Shirt be worn during games as there will be golf photographer venturing around to capture the Bidayuh Golfer with the best swing...ahem.

Talking about photographer, I heard that one of us is a newest owner of Sony Alpha 65 and maybe he'll be around to secretly photograph some ladies...Still the images should be good for this blog.

We are very fortunate this year for the WBGC as our sponsors keep mounting and look forward to even bigger event 2013!

May the best golfer win fair and square!

WBGC Champion to don a Red or Green Jacket!

This is the latest news as the excitement about the WBGC gain momentum.

The 2012 WBGC Champion to don a winning jacket either a red or green jacket - courtesy of Mr Albert Tanon.

Well supported by DBNA and the Bidayuh ministers, about 57 Bidayuh golfers have registered to take part and with generous prizes available to be won, this is accepted as the most awaited golf tournament in the Bidayuh calendar.

Previous tournament has successfully attracted Bidayuh golfers from far and this is the time of the year that they are out in drove to show their skills in sporting spirit prelude to the festivity month - the Gawai Dayak.

As a Bidayuh golfer if you are not taking part, you are missing something.

21 May, 2012


The World Bidayuh Golf Championship (WBGC) 2012 will tee-off at 7.30 am Siol/Demak course. The tournament will be based on stroke play with a cut-off handicap of 24. Please declare your latest handicap during registration and register by 7 am.

Special T-shirts will be distributed during registration and you are encouraged to wear for photography session before play. The tournament fee is only RM50. Lunch and prize-giving will be held at 1 pm and our special guest Dato Sri Michael Manyin ak Jawong will officiate the function.

The committee would like to convey their appreciation to various sponsors and contributors
to this WBGC 2012.
Dato Sri Michael Manyin ak Jawong
YB Datuk Dr James Dawos Mamit
YB Dr Jerip Susil
Datuk Peter Nansian Nyusie
Maclaine Ben @ Martin Ben Anak Michael Dato Frankie Heng Mr Henry jinap
and many more.

Please check your flight as below.

WBGC 2012 DRAW  - Saturday 26, May 2012, KGS (Siol/Demak)
Up Date: 22 May 2012
Faxed to: Andrew Peter, 082 445391

Flight 1 – Siol Hole 1 – Tee-off Time: 7.26 am
1. Fabian Marip    -    019 8871859
2. Mike Magges    -    010 5266238
3. James Sinjeng    -    013 8184000
4. Voon Tarah    -  

Flight 2 – Siol Hole 1 – Tee-off Time: 7.34 am
5. Clarence Rorote    -    013 8119542
6. Ricky Guing Senen    -    012 8961576
7. Jabing Bujing    -    019 8653787
8. Ik Talano    -    013 8164919

Flight 3 – Siol Hole 1 – Tee-off Time: 7.42 am
9. Peter Selek    -    0198277352
10. Eric Hendry    -    019 8268155
11. Andrew Nyisun    -    013 8026940
12. Andrew Peter    -    019 8281336

Flight 4 – Siol Hole 1 – Tee-off Time: 7.50 am
13. Albert Tanon    -    019 8584979
14. Magit Semong    -    013 8047199
15. Anthony Rupeau    -    019 8064357
16. Richard Ruda    -    019 8853555

Flight 5 – Siol Hole 1 – Tee-off Time: 7.58 am
17. Datu Ik Pahon Joyik    -    019 8893006
18. YB Datuk Peter Nansian    -    013 8117777
19. YB Dr Jerip Susil    -    013 8087007
20. YB James Dawos    -    019 2257878

Flight 6 – Siol Hole 1 – Tee-off Time: 8.06 am
21. Dahim Nandot    -    013 8115799
22. Allan White Sinui    -    016 8601584
23. Ricky Gayok    -    013 8164919
24. Anthony Abang    -    013 8015454

Ladies Flight 7 – Siol Hole 1 – Tee-off Time: 8.14 am
25. Helen Taja (L)    -  
26. Alice Ripet    -  
27. Christine Ruda    -  
28. Davin Nicholas (L)    -    019 8888840

Flight 8 – Demak Hole 10 – Tee-off Time: 7.26 am
29. Damein Rejek    -    013 8251127
30. Dabrin Peter Kini    -    019 8272362
31. Stephen Tumi    -    0198348157
32. Dr. Firdaus Abdullah    -    013 8030977

Flight 9 – Demak Hole 10 – Tee-off Time: 7.34 am
33. Simon Kusah    -    013 8184000
34. Frankie Lisu    -    0198171408
35. Dr. Mohd Hirman Ritom    -    019 8591897
36. Hygenius Kevin Akeu    -    019 8271380

Flight 10 – Demak Hole 10 – Tee-off Time: 7.42 am
37. John Chamberlin Sirau    -    019 8582816
38. Johnny Peter    -    018 8172499
39. Lester Simbas    -    012 8866152
40. Dominic Josip (DSP)    -    013 8019392

Flight 11 – Demak Hole 10 – Tee-off Time: 7.50 am
41. Joseph Jindy    -    012 8902501
42. Jimson Jium    -    013 8030388
43. Bronnie Poris    -    016 8784335
44. Miro Simuh    -    013 8067163

Flight 12 – Demak Hole 10 – Tee-off Time: 7.58 am
45. Punjau Sepoi    -    013 8015785
46. Ricky Nyowip    -    012 8899275
47. Hendry Dato James Dawos    -    
48.     -  

Flight 13 – Demak Hole 10 – Tee-off Time: 8.06 am
49. Nelson Peter Kini    -  
50. Nicholas Andrew Lessem    -  
51. Patrick Kiyok    -    017 8092676
52.     -    

Flight 14 – Demak Hole 10  – Tee-off Time: 8.14 am
53. William Duncan    -    019 8787759
54. William Juah    -    019 8263355
55. Moses Jeros    -    014 5952722
56. Paul Ritom    -    019 8280755

Flight 15 – Demak Hole 10  – Tee-off Time: 8.22 am
57. Tuah suni    -    
58. Martin Kusong    -    
59. Wejok Tomik    -    
60.     -    

02 May, 2012



The eighth series of WBGC will be held at Kelab Golf Sarawak (KGS) at Siol Demak course on 26th May 2012.

The yearly event is supported by DBNA and will be graced by YB Datuk Michael Manyin Jawong during the prize-giving lunch in the afternoon. Limited slots are available.

Payment of tournament fee is fixed at RM50 for all registered golfers. The tournament fee rate is agreed for member or non member of KGS.

Registration can be made at the counter from 6.45 am. The tee-off is staggered and starts at 7.30am.

The tournament will be based on stroke play nett over gross and the cut-off handicap is 24. There will be various novelties and goodies to play for. There will be 15 gross prizes and 15 nett prizes on offer. 

If you wish to participate please contact Datu Ik Pahon at 019 8893006, Mr James Sinjeng at 019 8171357 or Ricky Guing at 012 8961576 via SMS or call in. For SMS please include your name, club membership and lowest handicap.

Rules of Competition
The competition will be held according to Rules of Amateur Status approved by the Royal and Ancient (R&A) Golf of St. Andrews and local rules as described by the Organising Committee.

Eligibility & Participation
Parent is of Bidayuh heritage.
Any individual golfer 12 years old and above with a valid NHS handicap belonging to Bidayuh ethnic group is eligible to participate.

The championship will be decided by stroke play ( Gross over Nett ) over 18 holes.

Participation Fee
The committee had agreed to impose the entrance fee to RM50 for each participant for members or non-DGCC member.